Experiment output directory#

This tutorial will familiarize you with the experiment’s output folder structure. Some files can be used directly to quickly draw conclusions about the experiment’s results. Others can be used to create custom visualizations with the Analysis module.

After running the experiments from the Hyperparameter Optimization (HPO) tutorial, the results are cached in the directory: /tmp/experiments, as specified in the configurations experiment_dir. The results directory follows these structures:

- tmp/experiments
    - experiment_<experiment_id>
        - <trial1_id>
          - best_checkpoints/
          - checkpoints/
          - dashboard/
          - config.yaml
          - metadata.json
          - results.json
          - train.log
        - <trial2_id>
        - <trial3_id>
        - ...
        - <experiment_id>_optuna.db
        - <experiment_id>_state.db
        - default_config.yaml
        - mp.log

As you can see, there are two levels of directories: one for the experiment and one for the trials.

  • The experiment_<experiment_id> directory:

    • <experiment_id>_optuna.db: for each trial, after finished training, its metrics (those to be optimized) will be added to the experiment state database (via optuna_study.tell()). Optuna will use this as a base to explore the search space based on the results so far. The content of this database is out of this tutorial’s scope since it’s used by optuna to perform hyperparameters exploration.

    • <experiment_id>_state.db: for each trial, after finished training, its metrics (those to be optimized), configuration, and training state (RUNNING, WAITING, etc.), will be added to the experiment state database.

    • default_config.yaml: the overall configurations for model, training, and hyperparameters tuning. Note that configurations for hyperparameters will be changed in each trial’s config.yaml file that’s specific to that trial only.

    • mp.log: console infomation during the running experiment. This gives information about the trials that are running in parallel, how many that are running, and how many that are terminated.

  • Trial directories, each contains:

    • train.log`console information during the training process of the running trial. This log reports metrics from training and evaluation. These metrics include static (e.g., best loss value, the current iteration, current epoch, best iteration so far, total steps, current learning rate) and moving average metrics (e.g., training loss, validation loss, user-defined metrics f1 score, precision, etc.).

    • results.json: helps keep track of the running trial. This includes a JSON object for each of the epochs. This is where all metrics in the train.log are stored as JSON objects.

      "train_loss": 0.5761058599829674,
      "val_loss": NaN,
      "train_accuracy": 0.855390625,
      "val_accuracy": NaN,
      "best_iteration": 0,
      "best_loss": Infinity,
      "current_epoch": 1,
      "current_iteration": 1875,
      "epochs": 10,
      "learning_rate": 0.008175538431326259,
      "total_steps": 18750
      "train_loss": 0.3937998796661695,
      "val_loss": 0.42723633049014276,
      "train_accuracy": 0.8599609374999999,
      "val_accuracy": 0.8481,
      "best_iteration": 1875,
      "best_loss": 0.42723633049014276,
      "current_epoch": 2,
      "current_iteration": 3750,
      "epochs": 10,
      "learning_rate": 0.008175538431326259,
      "total_steps": 18750
      "train_loss": 0.3794497859179974,
      "val_loss": 0.4047809976875782,
      "train_accuracy": 0.86644921875,
      "val_accuracy": 0.8576999999999999,
      "best_iteration": 15000,
      "best_loss": 0.3985074917415778,
      "current_epoch": 10,
      "current_iteration": 18750,
      "epochs": 10,
      "learning_rate": 0.008175538431326259,
      "total_steps": 18750

      As you can observe from this sample results.json file from HPO tutorial, there are 10 JSON objects, each representing metrics of one epoch. best_iteration and best_loss values give us information about the best-performing iteration.

    • config.yaml`configuration details that are specific to the running trial.

    • checkpoints/: this directory stores checkpoints for the trained model, which includes the model parameters, the optimizer (and/or scheduler), and all the metrics computed using this model. Config parameter keep_n_checkpoints controls the number of checkpoints kept in this folder. You can play around with the checkpoint files by loading the pt file with pytorch. For example, you can load the model parameters and optimizer state with the following code:

      import torch
      checkpoint_path = "tmp/experiments/experiment_<experiment_id>/<trial1_id>/checkpoints/<ckpt_name>.pt"
      checkpoint = torch.load(checkpoint_path, map_location="cpu")
      {'run_config': {'model_config': {'num_filter1': 47,
      'num_filter2': 74,
      'activation': 'relu'},
      'experiment_dir': '/content/experiments/experiment_5ade_3be2',
      'random_seed': 42,
      'train_config': {...},
      'scheduler_config': None,
      'rand_weights_init': True}
      'search_space': {...},
      'optim_metrics': {'val_loss': <Optim.min: 'min'>},,
      'metrics': {'train_loss': 0.37417657624085743,
        'val_loss': 0.3985074917415778,
        'train_accuracy': 0.8660498046875,},
      'model': OrderedDict([('model.conv1.weight',
                    tensor([[[[-3.0586e-01,  1.4900e-01, -4.6661e-01],
                              [ 2.4052e-01, -5.5201e-01, -2.5857e-01],
                              [-2.9385e-01, -1.5303e+00, -9.4572e-01]]],
      'optimizer': {'state': {0: {'step': tensor(14992.),...}}}
    • best_checkpoints: this directory stores the best checkpoints for the trained model.

    • dashboard/: directory to cache those metrics data, and you can use Tensorboard for visualization of how metrics oscillate while training: Install tensorboard and load using %load_ext tensorboard if using notebook, then run %tensorboard --logdir /tmp/experiments/experiment_<experiment_id> --port [port]. E.g.:

      %load_ext tensorboard
      %tensorboard --logdir /tmp/experiments/experiment_5ade_3be2 --port 6008


    • metadata.json: keeps track of the training progress: log iteration (specifies the latest iteration that logs the results to files), checkpoint iteration specifies which iteration a checkpoint has been saved and which iteration is the best one.

In the following tutorial, we will use the Analysis module to visualize these results to draw better conclusions about the experiment’s results.